Try our custom LLM Masker

We develop adaptive GenAI to scale communication and knowledge: virtual AI assistants with Machine Translation. Hyper-automate linguistic processes. Monetize your content

We produce adaptive GenAI based on RAG systems for AI chatbots and machine translation with automatic post-editing.

Our AI-powered virtual assistants (adaptive chatbots) can be built with your website data in 1 hour. They use our own LLM, without data transfers. Use confidential documents and reports from your cloud to create AI assistants that respect privacy. With Pangeanic, you create your own AI environment.

Let us craft your unique communication tool and amplify your message to the world. Stop translating content: let your data talk for you


Leading organizations that trust Pangeanic

amazon comision europea deepL FIFA IATA microsoft omron SUBARU veritone water commission world council churces Zoll

Our featured language solutions

Natural Language Processing

Data Annotation, Training Datasets, LLM Fine-Tuning and Evaluation

Training datasets for the creation of Artificial Intelligence models and LLMs. We evaluate LLMs and fine-tune LLMs to specialize them for practical applications at enterprise level. Our language technologies and training datasets are designed to efficiently scale up monolingual and multilingual content processing. They excel in identifying named entities and concepts and facilitating knowledge acquisition.

Machine translation

Machine Translation

Translate documents in a fast and private environment, like:

Enjoy specialized Machine Translation models with your terminology and style for your specific use. We value data privacy and ownership. Machine Translation API and integration with the main translation tools. Create your translation ecosystem in private SaaS or your cloud. 

Professional Translation Services

Professional Translation Services

Entrust your translations to expert professionals. Gartner has included Pangeanic as tech-enabled translation services as we create translation technology, APIs and management tools to publish more content, faster, with quality and speed. We optimize document translation services with technology and the best translators, enabling organizations, companies, and governments to achieve human quality in their translations, all in a safe and private environment. 

ECO Platform and PECAT

ECO Platform and PECAT

Our proprietary platforms run all services with complete privacy, in our Cloud or as private SaaS (dedicated facilities). Translation or post-editing in the cloud, Data Anonymization/Masking in the cloud, annotation or evaluation of systems such as LLMs. Through ECO and PECAT, we harness global language expertise, annotation, and recording services 24/7. This enables us to effortlessly provide data services, contributing to the development of Ethical AI. 



We created the first multilingual anonymization software in the world as part of the MAPA project.The European Commission, the European Ombudsman, and the Spanish Ministry of Justice swiftly adopted this innovation. Our Masker anonymization software protects your data, your customers' privacy and your company's reputation. Masker is our multilingual anonymization tool. 

text and data classification

Text and Data Classification

We use Large Language Models and semantic tools for automatic Text Classification. Our expertise lies in text and data classification such as documents, emails, text files, spreadsheets, or scanned documentation in many languages and according to specific use cases. We offer the added advantage of human-in-the-loop additional review with our own PECAT tool. Text Classification such as automatic email classification saves hours of manual processing and adds efficiency to your processes by directing content to the correct department or content processing unit.

See translation services See NLP solutions

More than 1,000 journalists use Pangeanic's Machine Translation daily to report news around the world.
Juan Manuel Ruiz
We like Pangeanic's work ethos and professionalism. They actively listen to their clients - and that helps them be the best every day to provide tailored language solutions. From my point of view, that's one of their greatest qualities.
Rafael de Jorge
Marketing Director - Onahotels
The quality is excellent as usual. The source has been changed many times during the translation. Pangeanic was quick to respond to the changes and it was helpful.
Eisuke Seki
ES Japan
Pangeanic makes the translation process easy... And they provide a friendly, fast translation service. Creating a database for all our translations was particularly useful so we could recycle translations and re-use content on other occasions or similar jobs.
Chloe Wu
Pangeanic's Machine Translation engines have been working at Veritone for more than 5 years now, translating millions of words for mission-critical applications, law enforcement, and intelligence.
Jon Gacek

In a world where the data generated daily is immeasurable,  processing and analyzing information effectively is crucial for any company or organization. And this is where Pangeanic steps in, as a translation company that has harnessed 21st-century technology to become a leader in Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). 

Our ECO platform processes data privately to structure it so LLMs can understand and leverage it. By structuring the data, your organization will be able to process it and turn it into actionable information: 


GenAI and LLM Customization 

With Pangeanic, you can turn data into information and actions, in any language. Data, often stored behind firewalls and in proprietary formats, has traditionally been difficult for LLMs to leverage. We address this problem by customizing generic models and algorithms for each client. We carry out fine-tuning on a case-by-case basis, without using one client’s data for another. We extract and create synthetic data as needed. We organize the data for LLMs in a comprehensible format tailored to each client's AI models, all while upholding their privacy rights. 

We are committed to ethics in AI and adhere to the four pillars of ethical AI: transparency, fairness, privacy and security, and accountability. We believe that AI has the potential to make the world a better place, and we are proud to lead the way in developing ethical and responsible AI solutions. 

If you are interested in learning more about how Pangeanic can help you turn your unstructured data into actionable insights, don't hesitate to contact us today. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have. 

GenAI and LLM Customization 



High-quality Human or Machine Translation services in over 200 languages



Large volumes in record time



Choose Cloud or private SaaS (on-premises available for some applications)



Train your engines according to your needs



Transparent, easy-to-understand, predictable pricing that removes hidden costs


Digital infrastructure projects for government agencies and public administrations

Pangeanic has led and participated in numerous digital infrastructure and R&D projects in the field of Machine Translation, Neural Machine Translation, document and data Anonymization, etc. 

logo_MAPA logo_NECTM logo_NTEU iADAATPA project

Pangeanic’s commitment

We are committed to being your ally in the fascinating world of Natural Language Processing and AI. We help companies extract critical insights from unstructured data and prepare unbiased data for AI models and Large Language Models (LLMs). Pangeanic is dedicated to ethical practices in AI development and is strongly committed to safeguarding the privacy of our clients' and citizens' data. We offer solutions for AI-powered Machine Translation, Text Classification and Document Classification, Data Masking or Anonymization, and accurate detection of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) or personal data in repositories to ensure compliance with the GDPR and other privacy regulations.

We stand out for our ability to combine the scalability and speed of Artificial Intelligence with the personal touch of human creativity and ingenuity. Our advanced ECO platform is designed to interpret and structure data from unstructured data, facilitating its processing in other systems. We create training data for AI models and LLMs. Thanks to our solutions, organizations, public administrations, corporations, and companies can effortlessly implement data classification, document classification or email classification technologies, and our PangeaMT Machine Translation software provides the ability to machine translate content from and into any language and document with almost human quality.  

With Pangeanic, language barriers and data challenges are no longer obstacles. Although data is often stored in proprietary formats and protected by firewalls, our expert methodology ensures that it is accessible and usable for AI models, ensuring that every decision made is supported by accurate and relevant information. 


Traduccion a cualquier idioma

Choose Pangeanic and transform your data into informed and effective decisions in any language

Pangeanic empowers companies to resolve processing challenges and unlock the full potential of their data. This enables them to extract value, enhance communication, and achieve greater effectiveness. Our AI models do the hard work to process information so people can make informed decisions.

Pangeanic offers a wide range of services and tools to help businesses manage their data effectively. Some of our services include:

  • Machine Translation: Our platform uses deep learning models to provide accurate and reliable translations in multiple languages, learning from your own data and previous translations and even on-the-fly!

  • Text and Data Classification: High-availability, private SaaS text and data classification, rapid email classification based on their content, solving ambiguities to allowing businesses to prioritize and organize their data, responses, and actions effectively.

  • Data Masking/Anonymization: We protect data privacy by masking and anonymizing sensitive information.

  • PII/Personal Data Discovery: We identify and discover important Personally Identifiable Information (PII) in data. This assists companies in adhering to privacy regulations, aiding them in determining whether to share or withhold information and decide whether to undergo anonymization.

  • Integrated Summarization: We reduce large amounts of data into concise and light summaries, easily actionable, allowing companies to make informed and fast decisions.

If you are looking for a comprehensive solution for Natural Language Processing and Artificial Intelligence, Pangeanic is your ideal partner.


Please find out how we can help you harness the potential of your data and propel your business to success.  

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we can help you harness the potential of your data

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Word embeddings : An easy-to-understand guide

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Virtual Assistants with GenAI: Artificial Intelligence that Truly Helps

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Group-Q, Pangeanic's Partner for Advanced AI Language Solutions & GenAI

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