Try ECO LLM Try ECO Translate


High-quality translations reflect the professionalism of your business

Do you need a professional and reliable service for your content?

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What can we contribute to media and communication translation?

Translation of different types of documents

Press releases, specialized press articles, internal translations and communications, social media, etc.


Fast and efficient translation processes

We have an online management tool that allows you to interact directly with our translators to streamline the administrative, translation and proofreading processes. Discover our advanced Machine Translation technology development tool, customized and world-renowned for its high-quality, high-volume translations.


Reliable translation services

As a result of globalization, both large and small businesses have a need for multilingual communication with their customers and business partners. The translation of business news is of great value, as it keeps both companies and third parties informed.


Why Pangeanic?

We are certified with the European ISO 17100 translation quality standard and the international ISO 9001 management standard. In addition, at Pangeanic we use the most advanced translation technology tools to provide fast, consistent and accurate translations.



Our team of linguists generates a glossary specific to your business and ensures quality and consistency of terminology job after job


CAT tools

Thanks to these tools, we can generate Translation Memories after each project, which allow us to use previously translated material to speed up the translation process

We combine artificial intelligence with specialized professionals to offer you the best service

We provide you with our own tools to facilitate the management and follow-up of each translation project

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Do you need a professional translation service in a specific industry?

We want to help you grow your business. We combine human and artificial intelligence in order to provide you with a custom service. Let technology do the work for you.

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