Try ECO LLM Try ECO Translate


Translations into any language in the world and a large network of experienced and professional translators

Would you like to try our human translation services for nuanced communication?

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Translation services with native specialists


Over 20 years of experience in the translation industry


We have a network of more than 25,000 experienced, native translators


We combine human translation with technology to automate processes and speed up delivery times

Discover our "Human in the Loop" option

Our Machine Translation combined with additional services performed by our team of experts speed up the translation process and maintain human quality.

We combine AI with human ingenuity. We perform Machine Translation with specialized engines in different domains and an experienced native translator post-edits the content to achieve the quality that MT alone cannot.


Why choose Pangeanic?

Our AI-based technology allows us to create tools that help automate processes:

  • Streamline and reduce delivery times
  • Maintain and improve the quality of multilingual texts

How do we do it?

Thanks to the creation of platforms such as:

  • ECO (Machine translation with the possibility of human translation)
  • PECAT (translation project management platform used by our LSP clients)
  • The possibility for our clients to perform their own translations with their own trained engines in a private and secure environment

Pangeanic is your translation partner



Helping you free up resources through high-level automation.


Quality and experience

We have a network of more than 25,000 native translators with experience in different industries.



More than 500 language combinations, including right-to-left and double-byte languages.



We combine human translation with technology to automate processes and speed up delivery times, while maintaining high-quality results.

Do you need a professional translation service for your documents?

We want to help you grow your business. We combine human and artificial intelligence in order to provide you with a custom service. Let technology do the work for you.

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Foto Nacho