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Multilingual content with near-human quality Machine Translation

How much more content could you publish daily with Pangeanic's Deep Adaptive machine translation?

More than 1,000 of our journalists use Pangeanic's Machine Translation daily to report news worldwide.
Juan Manuel Ruiz
Pangeanic's Machine Translation engines have been working at Veritone for more than 5 years now, translating millions of words for mission-critical applications, law enforcement, and intelligence.
Jon Gacek
I was delighted to make use of Pangeanic’s SMT developments with TAUS TDA Data and their customization to our publishing needs.
Salomé López-Lavado
Translation Manager SONY
Pangeanic makes the translation process easy... And they provide a friendly, fast translation service. Creating a database for all our translations was particularly useful so we could recycle translations and re-use content in other occasions and/or similar jobs.
Chloe Wu
As a research organization, we were reluctant about applying MT for scientific Journal publication in economics. Not anymore. Pangeanic used all our previously published material to create a solution that actually speeds up translation.
José L. Monzón Campos
President of Ciriec International

Translate more content faster and more securely

many languages

Generate extremely accurate, fluent, and human-like machine translations in over 200 languages.

500 language combinations

More than 500 language pairs, over a million pages per day... ideal for automatic subtitling!

API integration

Translate easily through powerful APIs. Read: News Agency EFE Use Case Integration with translation tools: Phrase, MemoQ, and Trados Translation engines that adapt to your organization's terminology and style.

adaptive engine

Engines that adapt to your organization's terminology, tone, and style automatically!

machine translation saves costs

Cost and effort savings: Deep Adaptive translation technology is based on efficient neural networks


Secure storage in the cloud or a private installation

Neural Machine Translation

We have developed, tested, and refined Deep Adaptive Machine Learning algorithms to enable you to speed up translation workflows. Pangeanic's Deep Adaptive Machine Translation is based on neural networks and adapts to your terminology and style.

Deep Adaptive technology automatically selects the most relevant content from our repository of 10 billion segments to prioritize the user's material with different levels of aggressiveness (deep adaptation). This is how we created state-of-the-art, ready-to-use neural MT engines that mimic the user's style and expressions practically indistinguishable from human translators for News Agency EFE, Veritone, Omrom or the Spanish Tax Agency.

traducción automática deep adaptive para ahorrar tiempo y dinero


Discover ECO, Pangeanic's Deep Adaptive Machine Translation platform


Our ECO Machine Translation platform allows you to create a private and secure translation ecosystem with Deep Adaptive MT engines.

It is also trained to improve the AI system according to your company's needs.

Pangeanic renews its commitment to AI independence to empower users by going further and providing Deep Adaptive Machine Translation.

This is a revolutionary concept: users can not simply add data to the model to further re-train it with fresh content. Users can also choose their data's level of impact (aggressivity) on the learning algorithms. This results in a deep adaptation of the model to the user's style and terminology.

Deep Adaptive makes Pangeanic’s ECO unique, as users can then clone and further specialize the engine for different clients or applications.

Deep Adaptive machine translation is designed to provide high-quality translations close to human-level accuracy. It can handle complex language structures, idioms, and cultural nuances, resulting in translations that are not only accurate but also contextually appropriate.

For example, if a company publishes five pieces of content daily, a Deep Adaptive machine translation system can allow it to publish 15 or even 20 pieces per day—just as more than 1,000 journalists do at News Agency EFE (see Use Case).

Brazilian Portuguese Machine Translation with Pangeanic Deep Adaptive System

Example of integration of Pangeanic's Deep Adaptive into news agency EFE editorial system



Request a translation

Contact our team, and they will advise you on the best options for integrating Pangeanic's Deep Adaptive Machine Translation and how you can connect it to your systems via our translation API.

step 2

Train the engine 

You can use your data in complete privacy to create your Deep Adaptive Machine Translation engines. It is your existing parallel corpora data that will "tell" the algorithms what style and terminology they must follow.


Obtain publication-ready machine translation

Your operations scale, and you can reach users and customers worldwide in the language and tone you require, using your terminology and style, and not generic online translation services engines or LLMs.


Try our Deep Adaptive Machine Translation tool with a non-binding, free and secure demo.

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We can translate into any language to meet your organization's needs

Tell us what you need:

Machine Translation and Deep Adaptive Engines: Which Technology Is the Best?

Discover all the possibilities of Deep Adaptive Machine Translation.

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Leading organizations that trust Pangeanic

amazon comision europea deepL FIFA IATA microsoft omron SUBARU veritone water commission world council churces Zoll Agencia EFE:

Certified quality




Information Security




Machine Translation post-editing


Medical Devices

Improve your company's translation and localization processes

Revolutionize your company's translation and localization processes. Save thousands of $ / € / ¥ on translating your product's collateral material, marketing content, and documents with our cutting-edge Adaptive Private Generative Artificial Intelligence.

Integrate Deep Adaptive Machine Translation into your business today and experience unparalleled efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

Talk to an expert Request a demo

Deep Adaptive Machine Translation saves thousands of $ or € in translation