AEAT - ECO Platform for machine translation

The AEAT (Spanish Tax Administration) is a public-law institution of the Spanish Public Administration, and is in charge of managing the state tax and customs system, as well as the resources of other national or EU public administrations.

Provide the AEAT's 25,000 geographically and functionally distributed civil servants with document translation services, mainly between Spanish regional languages.
Pangeanic's solution
The ECO platform for machine translation in dedicated SaaS mode.
The translation of half a million pages in 40 different language pairs.
The Spanish IRS (Inland Revenue Service) did not use this type of service in the past and proceeded to translate specific documents occasionally. Pangeanic has not only turned the processes of the Spanish IRS more efficient with its document translation platform, but also provides a much faster translation speed than traditional translation services.
If the Tax Agency were to use human translation services, they would not only have to wait days or weeks for the translation of some documents but would also pay over 300 times the cost of the automated translation platform.
Nos gusta la filosofía de trabajo de Pangeanic así como su profesionalidad. Su constante trabajo de escucha activa hacia el cliente les hace mejorar cada día más y esa, bajo mi punto de vista, es una de sus grandes cualidades.
Servicio rápido y eficiente. Encontramos la creación de una base de datos de traducciones realizadas por parte de Pangeanic una herramienta muy útil para otras ocasiones y/o trabajos similares.
La calidad es excelente, como de costumbre. El texto de origen cambió muchas veces durante el proceso de traducción. Pangeanic reaccionó rápidamente a los cambios, lo cual nos ayudó mucho.