Untethered server Translation Memory
ActivaTM: the most advanced multi-channel, multi-format, multi-language Translation Memory system
Designed to replace the costly model of server-based CAT tools.
Removes the need for each computer-assisted tool to have its own Translation Memory
Can be installed on your own server or in the cloud
Takes advantage of full and subsegment matches
Translators can work in a variety of translation programs and all access the same Translation Memory remotely and instantaneously
Compares all incoming material to create triangular Translation Memories
Provides high levels of flexibility and ownership over language assets while reducing costs
Technical specifications
Developed in Python. Based on Elasticsearch and Apache Spark. It has a full-featured REST API so it can be opened immediately.
Main characteristics:
Quick Translation Memory search
Extensive Translation Memory filtering capabilities by language, domain, organization, industry, date of creation, etc.
Flexible and customizable fuzzy matches
XML tag handling
Supports Moses output mode for easy integration in the MT workflow
Compatible with SDL Trados Studio
Pre-translation of segments when only one or two elements are different
Translation memory content analysis and maintenance
Advanced user management by limiting access to certain language pairs, domains and number of searches