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Achieve near-human quality machine translation with our proven technology

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Our translation technologies


Easy translation - Machine translation API and Plugins

Based on our successful ECO platform, we provide a direct interface for our general engines. We offer general engines based on millions of segments that learn from your input and the CAT tool of your choice to deliver near-human MT.

Machine translation API and Plugins


Deep Adaptive Machine Translation

Fast delivery of multilingual content with near-human quality machine translation.

Deep Adaptive Machine Translation


Translation memories

We take full advantage of your previous translations. By using a translation memory, translators have access to previously translated material and can follow the same style and terminology.

Translation memories


ActivaTM: A matrix, scalable, infinite language database

With ActivaTM, you can create a server version of all your translation memories and bilingual language resources, regardless of the computer-assisted translation (CAT) tool you use.



Machine translation technology

Experience the power of AI applied to Deep Adaptive MT engines: personalized machine translation, human-in-the-loop, plugins and integration.

Machine translation technology


PECAT: our computer-assisted translation platform

PECAT offers all the security and privacy features of any CAT tool, plus the convenience of a cloud-based system.


Translation technologies for the internationalization of your business

ECO is the ultimate language processing ecosystem for obtaining actionable insights from text data, complying with privacy regulations, performing machine translation, and obtaining training data for AI.

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Servicio profesional de traducción de calidad

Leading organizations that trust Pangeanic

amazon comision europea deepL FIFA IATA microsoft omron SUBARU veritone water commission world council churces Zoll

Incorporate human NLP into your processes right now

Learn more about the translation technology services we develop at Pangeanic. Customized solutions for growing your business internationally.

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