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Try our custom LLM ECOChat


Use Data Masking to protect and make the most of your data

With our Data Masking tool, Masker, you can comply with current legislation while harnessing the power of data to unleash potential new revenue streams for your business.

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Use Pangeanic's data masking service to protect and make the most of your data

What can Data Masking do for your business?

Data Masking consists of removing information that identifies a person, or data about that person, so that no sensitive information can be attributed to an individual. Masker, our Data Masking tool, allows you to comply with the new data protection law (GDPR), while saving time and money.

Our Data Masking service uses AI to automatically identify personal information and replace it using different techniques. In addition, it is multilingual. What does Masker offer you?

Data protection and privacy

Ensure data protection and privacy for your customers

Complying with GDPR

Avoid fines and penalties by complying with GDPR and legal obligations

Put your trust in your business

Allow your customers to put their trust in your business

Share information securely

Securely store and share information

Avoid unnecessary costs and effort

Avoid unnecessary costs and effort

Multilingual data masking

Monolingual or Multilingual Data Masking

Instead of reading about it, try it!

Put Pangeanic's Data Masking to the test and let technology do the work for you. With our free Data Masking panel, you will be able to verify the quality and accuracy of our Masker tool for yourself.

Introducing Masker Request a demo

MASKER, Pangeanic's data masking tool


High-quality, customized Data Masking services

Our Data Masking service uses advanced and rigorous techniques to process your organization's data, ensuring that sensitive information is protected and that legal and privacy requirements are met.

Our experience and knowledge allow us to adapt to your specific needs and offer you the peace of mind you are looking for in terms of data privacy.

By using Data Masking, your organization can explore monetization opportunities, such as selling aggregated data and statistical analyses.

Maximize the value of your data while building customer trust and complying with privacy laws.



MASKER makes it easy for you:


Select the documents you want to data masking

It's as simple as dragging and dropping the documents you want to protect into the platform. Masker accepts all types of formats: pptx, docx, xlsx, txt, cvs, tsv, odt, and many more.


Choose the type of masking

Reduce tracking of sensitive data by selecting the type of masking that best suits your needs. Choose between: ID Tag, Substitution, Redaction or Gaps.


Mask with just one click

Click on the "Anonymize" button and you are done! Your documents are protected.

Try Masker, our data masking service, with a non-binding, free and secure demo.

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Leading organizations that trust Pangeanic

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Prices in USD ($)

*VAT not included

Let us help you choose

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Does your business collect and process personal data?

Ensure the privacy of your confidential documents

  • Medical documents
  • Legal documents
  • Bank details
  • Insurance policies
  • Public administrations
  • Consulting firms, etc.

Why Masker?

Since 2020, Pangeanic has been leading the European multilingual anonymization project, MAPA. This has provided us with the experience and professionalism that your business needs to help you to successfully simplify and customize data protection processes.

  • Experience and trust:

You can count on us to provide you with experience and a team of experts from different fields who continuously work on developing customized NLP solutions for companies like yours. Don't risk the success of your business on unreliable structures.

  • Make the most of your data in a secure way:

Generate value with masked data analytics while complying with the GDPR. Eliminate the data privacy barrier and monetize data without risk.

  • Train your engine for unique domains:

AI engines can be trained, optimized and cloned for a custom solutions in specific languages, unique vocabulary or professional specializations.

  • Secure storage in the cloud or a private installation:

Choose the option that best suits your needs and let our solution protect your data. In the cloud, we guarantee data protection in secure centers and automatic updates. With a private installation, you gain full control over security, storing the data in your own infrastructure.

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Everything you need to know about Data Anonymization

If you want to comply with GDPR regulations, this ebook is for you! Find out which Anonymization service best suits your needs.

Download ebook

eBook-Everything you need to know about Data Masking

The power of Data Masking in Machine Translation

Large companies in the Machine Translation industry, such as Custom.MT, have integrated our Data Masking solution to provide their customers with an additional level of security and data privacy.

Learn from the best and let Masker, our Data Masking and protection tool, take your business to the next level.

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Integrate our data masking solution and provide your customers with an additional level of security and data privacy

Do you need to data mask your company's data?

We can help you simplify and customize your business data protection and Data Masking processes thanks to our technology based on Artificial Intelligence.

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Data mask your company's data