NEC TM Data Project (Completed)
National European Center Translation Memory Data (NEC TM DATA)
NEC-TM was a project that lastest from 01/09/2018 to 28/02/2020 with Grant Agreement Number: INEA/CEF/ICT/A2017/1565776 and was led by Pangeanic.

Project Objectives
The project successfully achieved its main objectives:
Organized national bilingual assets as open data for machine learning
Lowered translation costs at national and cross-member state levels
Centralized language assets using the NEC TM database
Promoted data sharing and flow between public administrations and translation professionals
Technical Implementation
The project was built on a robust technical foundation:
Based on ElasticSearch and the ActivaTM server
Provided a centralized translation memory (TM) server independent of specific CAT tools
Allowed storage and retrieval of bilingual assets through API calls
Enabled simultaneous access and translation by multiple users with different CAT tools
Role of ActivaTM Server
The ActivaTM server played a central role in the NEC TM Data project:
Served as the basis for the NEC TM database (a fork of ActivaTM)
Provided a centralized, CAT-tool-independent TM server
Enabled efficient data sharing, TM matching, retrieval, and domain categorization
Allowed storing and retrieving bilingual assets via API calls
Supported simultaneous access by translators using different CAT tools
Helped member states centralize language assets from translation contracts
Provided fuzzy matching analysis for new translation contracts
Allowed online connectivity to national NEC TM servers
Enabled domain-specific categorization of translation data
Key Features
The project successfully implemented:
Fuzzy matching analysis for new translation contracts
Online connectivity to national NEC TM servers
Domain categorization of translation data
Connection to eTranslation and ELRC (European Language Resource Coordination)
Project Consortium
The NEC TM Data project achieved significant results:
Improved data-sharing practices using open standards in translation contracts
Better utilization of translated data generated in public contracts
Increased volumes of parallel data available to the European Commission
Enhanced support for translators working on public sector texts
The NEC TM Data project successfully facilitated progress towards a single digital market by acting as a meeting point for European data gathering efforts and promoting the free flow of data between public administrations and translation professionals.