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We provide you with the text from your audio, video or audiovisual material.


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Professional quality Transcription services

You can request transcription services only or include a translation service.

Expertise in financial and legal translation with experienced professionals and technology developed specifically to leverage this knowledge.

We use the latest combination of translation and speech recognition technologies to provide accurate transcription services at an affordable price.


We help you diversify your content

We provide you with the text document of your original audiovisual content.

In addition, the transcript will allow the subsequent creation of subtitles that can be added to videos in any language, either to internationalize them or to support what is being said in the audio.


You can send us audio or video files (including online links) and have them professionally transcribed. Our worldwide team of highly trained and experienced specialists transcribe the project quickly and meticulously.


We offer you a fast and agile Transcription process


At Pangeanic we follow strict quality control procedures with senior transcriptionists editing and reviewing the work of all our professional transcriptionists, whether they are internal or external providers.


Our order process is easy to use. We have a dedicated client portal that allows online ordering and secure uploading of audiovisual material to our servers in just a few minutes. All data is encrypted and the process is completely safeguarded. The assigned Project Manager will receive a message and the process will begin.


Our transcriptionists work on one project at a time, ensuring consistency and quality transcription.


We guarantee that an expert proofreader reads or listens to the source and target files to ensure that our client receives exactly what they expect from us.


Pangeanic's transcription services are reliable, professional and achieve 99% accuracy.

Let us help you with your File Transcription

Fast and agile processes.

We guarantee the best quality from our professionals and experts in Transcription services.

Transcribe and include the translation of any file type: mp3, mp4, aif, m4a, mov, avi, vob, amr, wma, ogg, wav, etc..

And many more!


Do you need a professional Transcription service for your content?

We want to help you grow your business. We combine human and artificial intelligence in order to provide you with a custom service. Let technology do the work for you.

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Foto Nacho